Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Honeymoon is Over

Well, I’ve survived the first two weeks at home, on my own, with Cooper. After my mom left, I was hopeful that things would be as easy as they were when she was here. I could shower when I needed, eat when I wanted and keep up with the housework that is never-ending. Well….I was WRONG!

This is not an easy job and can be very frustrating at times. I knew this would be hard – I said it all during my pregnancy. I think the first two weeks of a life are the honeymoon stage for moms. It’s when Dad’s home more, grandparents are around, and baby sleeps 18 hours out of the day. Yet, even though it’s hard and I don’t eat or shower unless he’s asleep, it’s still so rewarding. I can’t get over how much love I have for him and all this work is worth it. I usually only think this when I’m watching him sleeping or playing. Not so much when he’s crying or fussing. :)

It’s not all bad. I’m watching the weather right now and the temperature is only supposed to be 20 degrees today. Luckily, I get to say, “Eh – I just won’t go outside today!”

We’ve had some changes in these past two weeks. He loves to stare at us! He’ll just look up at us as we bounce him or rock him. He is now happily playing on his activity mat for a few minutes each day. It’s great to have something to entertain him! We bought him more toys, hoping that he would enjoy those too. Not really. He still prefers faces more than anything.

Other milestones: He’s gone bald on the top of his head, he’s now sleeping about 3 ½ hours at a time during the night, he can really hold his own up when we have him on our shoulder, and he still has the blue eyes! (We’re really hoping they stay blue!)

And now a few photos: (Those that we didn't lose when our hard drive broke) :(

Visiting Dad at work last Wednesday, February 16th

Our first bath that he didn't cry bloody murder! Key: having a towel underneath him!

We have discovered our activity mat! I think we're even on the brink of smiling!

"Look how cute I am!"

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cooper's First Two Weeks

This is Dave trying to teach Cooper the proper golf grip

Meeting Nana and Papa

Cooper and Rhys in Cooper's crib.

Meeting Meme

And finally, the woman who I honestly couldn't have done without these past two weeks!

It’s already been two weeks. I hate how time seems to be flying. I just want to keep Cooper the way he is – small, cuddly, and completely dependent on us. There have been many tears of happiness but also tears of sadness when I think about Cooper growing up. Can’t I just freeze time?

We just returned from our Two-Week appointment at Dr. Costello’s. Last week, he was back up to his birth weight, plus 1 oz. Today, he was measuring 8 pounds, 11 ounces although he shrunk a bit. He lost 1 ¼ inches from his birth height. Poor little cone head.

These past two weeks have been amazing. For almost my entire adult life, I was scared of becoming a mother. I was the girl who never really liked children, never changed a diaper or wanted to be hassled with the responsibility of caring for another human being. My life couldn’t be more different now. I can’t get over how much I love him. My aunt put it perfectly: “You love you spouse and you love your parents, but you never truly know LOVE until you have a child of your own."

Cooper is now able to see our faces and you know he really is looking at you instead of through you. It’s wonderful to know that someday he’ll see Dave and I and know that we’re mommy and daddy – and that he must be safe. And although they are not 'real' smiles, he something will shoot us a flirtatious look which pretty much melts your heart.

We’re starting to have visitors for the first time (other than Mimi, who has been with us the whole time! Thank goodness for her!). Meme and Pepe visited on Tuesday. Meme was a great babysitter - pepe slept through the majority of the visit. Papa spent all day with us on Friday, babysitting Cooper while mom and I did errands. It was my first time leaving Cooper and many tears were shed! Uncle Travis & Aunt Fianna came with their family on Saturday and Cooper got to meet three of his 4 (and 1/2) cousins. Finally, Nana & Papa came by on Sunday to meet their first great-grandchild. Nana wouldn’t give him up to anyone else to hold...until he started to cry. Then mommy got him back.

This is our last week with Mimi and pretty soon I’m on my own. It’s a little overwhelming but if there is one thing I’m learning is that I can figure it out. I don’t know a lot of parenting – but I’ll figure it out.

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 19th, 2011 - Right on time!

Cooper James was born right when he said he would be born. On Tuesday, January 18th I was going about my day as usual. I noticed my first contraction as I was getting the car seat inspected that afternoon, although I didn't realize it was a contraction. After a 4PM conference call, I realized that something was happening as things began to be more intense. I called Dave to tell him to stay at work until he wrapped everything up because this could be the night.

We ended up leaving for the hospital at 9:15PM and I was 3 cm dilated. By midnight, I was begging for the epidural. Turns out, I was only 4cm dilated at that point but I didn't care! Give me the drugs! And boy were they fabulous! (Even though they had to go in twice to try to find the right spot. Me - long needles - TWICE?!?! Seriously!?!) Anyway, I was able to fall asleep for a few hours so it was all worth it.

By 3:30 I was pushing. And I pushed! And pushed! And pushed more. But the little guy just didn't want to come out. At 4, the doctor gave me the option of a C-Section and I took it. No questions asked! Turns out, the baby's head was "sunny side up", meaning his head was facing up instead of down, so he couldn't get out.

The C-Section was a little surreal. I had a spinal which didn't hurt a bit b/c of the epidural. If I thought the epidural was fabulous - the spinal was a gift from god! Within seconds, I heard my baby cry! And that was it. I was done. Exhausted, numb, and a mother.

It took them awhile to put me back together (over an hour!) b/c of a bleeding artery. I just wanted to hold my son. For about 20 minutes, I laid there while they cleaned him up, weighed him, measured him and examined him. Luckily Dave was with him the whole time.

Ok – long story so I’ll wrap up quick. The recovery from the C-Section was and is a little daunting. But I’ve never been so happy to wake up with my son in my arms, feeling his soft hair and the smell of his body on top of me. After four days in the hospital, we were able to come home where his Papa, Pops & CC were all able to meet him.

Now it’s all about learning who he is, his likes and dislikes, and managing to be a mom.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

36 Weeks - Only 4 left! (Hopefully!)

I was lucky enough to get an ultrasound this morning and saw Cooper's facial features for the first time. I was bawling! It was truly magical!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Here are the latest photos. We're 12 weeks along and just praying things remain smooth and steady.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Showing Off

Little guy was showing off for the doctor today, saying, "Yes, I have arms and legs and look! I can move them!"

Today was our 10 week ultrasound. We heard the heart beat and she took lots of pics and videos. Here are two of the four videos of baby Ryan.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ultrasound #2

I confirmed that the little guy is still in there. I haven't had many side effects yet which got me a little nervous as to whether he was still in there or not. I went for the 2nd U/S today and saw his little heart beating. We'll get to listen to it at our next appointment. Hopefully you can actually see him in this photo. The last photo was a little harder to see. He is about .8cm at this point AND I've only gained .5lb since my last appointment. YAY!